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Formal Education:

2024: National Professional Certification in Mediation (National Association of Certified Mediators)

2012:  Master of Philosophy degree (Practical Theology) (University of Pretoria).

2012: Compassionate Narrative Conversations training (North Field Methodist Church South Africa)

2009-2010: Intensive Practical Training in Play Therapy (The Centre for Play Therapy and Training in South Africa).

1997: Certificate in Marriage and Family Counseling (University of South Africa).

1991: Bachelor of Science degree (Consumer Science) (University of Pretoria).

Professional Registrations:

Registered with the National Association for Certified Mediators 2024

Registered with the South African Association for Pastoral Counselors 2013 – 2017.

Work Experience:

Over a lifetime, I have gained experience through many different career paths. Each of these professions and jobs has contributed to my skills and perspective. 

Life Coach and Counselor working with grief, loss, divorce, parenting, and relationships (with self and others)

Teacher, Counselor and School Administrator

Managing Director of a Non-Profit Organization in South Africa training volunteers to provide grief support to HIV Orphans

Children’s Ministry Director 

Marketing Executive

Retail Management